Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Making Information Actionable

Saw this article on ecological intelligence, which brought my attention to GoodGuide.com

Which is very exciting to me because it focuses on information that it is immediately relevant to an action one is about to make. Everything on the site is actionable information.

In every usage scenario, one of these (information or action) is very quick -- almost immediate. Either the information is brief and the decision is complex, or the information is involved but the action is immediate and quick.

For example, one can act on the information in an article immediately -- (click here to contact the manufacturer). I also foresee a mobile app to scan products on the go, like in the store. Right now at least, every product is ranked according to its aggregate health, environmental, and societal impact.

In all cases, I have noticed, either the information (ranking) or action (clicking) is quick. If both are laborious, or complex a user will never catch on ...

Needless to say, I'm a fan.

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